What are the Benefits of Organic Cotton Clothing?
What are the Benefits of Organic Cotton Clothing?
Environment | 8 minutes to read | 11.03.2024
Ever wonder if your clothes could do more than just look good? That's organic cotton! Organic cotton is so much more than just being sustainable, so here are all the benefits of organic cotton clothing.
The Best And Worst Cryptocurrencies For The Environment
The Best And Worst Cryptocurrencies For The Environment
Environment | 5 minutes to read | 09.20.2024
Crypto can be bad for the environment, but there are cryptocurrencies that were made specifically with the environment in mind. Today, we will look at the best and worst crypto for the environment.
Is Bitcoin Bad For The Environment?
Is Bitcoin Bad For The Environment?
Environment | 9 minutes to read | 09.18.2024
Did you know that as more and more people use Bitcoin, it uses more and more energy? We are going to try to understand the impact that Bitcoin has on the environment.
What happens if there are no rainforests left on earth?
What happens if there are no rainforests left on earth?
Environment | 5 minutes to read | 08.13.2024
Deforestation is depleting so many trees from the rainforest on a daily basis that it seems like there won’t be any left soon. How does deforestation affect the environment?
How did deforestation of the Amazon rainforest start?
How did deforestation of the Amazon rainforest start?
Environment | 5 minutes to read | 08.12.2024
Go on a journey through the history of the Amazon rainforest, what started its deforestation from the 1960s until today, and the future of the biggest rainforest on Earth.
Even a tree can teach you how to plant a tree
Even a tree can teach you how to plant a tree
Environment | 9 minutes to read | 08.09.2024
Planting a tree is easier and more environmentally impactful than you think. Follow yourself in this dream as a talking tree teaches you just how easy it is to plant a tree.